(614) 228-2226  


                  County auditors often work behind the scenes, so you may be unaware of the important work they do on your behalf. County auditors keep the taxpayers' checkbook. They scrutinize every spending request to make sure that your tax dollars are spent exactly as intended by law. In addition county auditors independently appraise home values to ensure that the property taxes you pay are fair and equitable.
                  • Protecting your Interests
                    Protecting your Interests
                    As billpayer-in-chief, your county auditor approves or rejects county agencies’ check requests to make sure that your tax dollars are spent properly....
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                  • pc端电脑梯子
                    Why Independence Matters
                    You may wonder why voters elect a county auditor to serve as the chief fiscal officer. Wouldn’t county government by more efficient...
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                  • Taxpayer Victories
                    Elected county auditors are accountable to the taxpayers. Here’s how they’ve stopped wasteful spending. Holding businesses accountable In 2001, a City granted...
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                  It’s been said that “understanding is half the battle”—and when it comes to understanding the home valuation process, the goal of the County Auditor is to make it simple and straightforward so you, the homeowner, can be both well informed and well educated.
                  • pc端如何上外网
                    Understanding the Valuation Process
                    Because market values change over time as properties are bought and sold, Ohio law requires that each home in the state go...
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                  • Tax Break Programs
                    Tax Break Programs
                    Homeowners should be aware of tax rollbacks and reductions that may be available to help reduce property taxes. Residential Tax Exemption Owner...
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                  • Homeowner Concerns/Questions
                    Homeowner Concerns/Questions
                    Some homeowners may wonder when it is appropriate to provide feedback about their valuation. Some of the questions to consider are: Do...
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                  June 10-12, 2024



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